Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday at the Tiangus

Monday, December 6, 2010
A fun day

Sunday, December 5, 2010
The First Week of December in SMA

A birding note: while I was in the Zihua area the one bird that I did not see was the common house sparrow!! I have seen that bird everyplace else that I have gone in this world, but for some reason it was absent there.
At any rate, life is good. Am in a really nice apartment in Colonia San Antonio, with a great view if the western half of SMA.
Lots of pigeons in this part of town. Someone must have a pigeon coop around here or otherwise encourage those darned birds. They do get rather nervous when a raptor is working the area. Makes me think of the homing pigeons back home that they sell and race out of Quality Feed Store in our neighborhood. There is a small group of Homer enthusiasts in the Houston area and they race their birds almost every weekend. They will take them out for 50 to 175 mile races. It is amazing how fast those birds return home (of course some don't make it back - killed enroute or enticed into the feral pigeon population). It was a big sport (gambling) back in the old countries of Europe not too many years ago - still is. There are other breeds of pigeons, just like chickens, that are bred for show (fantails for example) or meat (white kings, for example). As a yoiung teenager, Ray Loomis (married to Pamela Woods Loomis, twin sister of Cynthia Woods Mitchell) built large pigeon coops or cages for each of us boys in the neighborhood and gave each of us a breeding pair and a 50# bag of feed, with the intent that we would raise squabs for the restaurant market, thereby learning business skills and keeping us occupied with worthwhile activities. I was different, as I wanted to raise quail and pheasant, so I was provided with a long run pen for my birds. I had bob white quail and silver pheasants. The project did not keep us occupied for very long, unfortunately. We all lost interest when we realized how long it would take to get any payout. It was a neat idea, though, and it did teach us a lot.

Saturday, December 4, 2010
More Zihua and Michoaican studies

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Away for Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Consulting work: ups and downs
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Exciting sunsets on the rooftop terrace.
I find the rooftop terrace of Maricela's Guest House such a great place to work on my artwork. From the terrace I have a wonderful view of San Miguel de Allende. I am in a place very close to the center of town on the fourth floor, so the panorama is 360 degrees. The Parroquia (main church in town) is about two blocks north. East is up and over a small mountain covered with centuries old homes of Spanish architecture. South looks over a similar array of structures. Finally, west is the view out into the valley and in the distance are two mountain ranges. That is where the most beautiful sunsets occur (obviously). Last night was one of those special times. Maybe it was because it was the Dia de los Muertos, and all the deceased were kicking up dust into the clouds as they came to the dinners placed out for them in almost every household and business in town. Whatever, the sky evolved into absolutely the best sunset that I have experienced here. As if the sunset itself was not enough, the birds, all kinds of them, I think, realized that it was the Day of the Dead and they needed to hurry home to greet their dead relatives, for out of the grey of the high sky finches dropped almost directly at me in quick flitty flight to land inches and feet away from me in the big hackberry tree in the yard nextdoor (realize that I am positioned almost in the canopy of that tree - not ground level). I would spot a tiny image in the grey sky and it would quickly grow in size and appear to be headed right for me and at the very last minute it would seem to dodge me to land in the dark understory of the leaves of that hackberry - dozens and dozens of them - all talking to each other, excited to chat with their bedmates about the great times they had that day in the grass fields of the hillsides and valleys around SMA. There was flight after flight of egrets (mostly cattle egrets) heading from the day of feeding in the farmlands to their roost on the large presa, or lake, just out of view from the terrace. Then too, were the 5 varieties of flycatchers active in this immediate couple of blocks that flitted around chasing each other and claiming the best spot to perch and scan the darkening sky for the influx of small flying insects that began to emerge as the day was closing down. Thier characteristic flight up into the apparent empty sky a few yards from their perch would surely yield them the rewards of some small morsel - I could never see the small morsels that they were after. Then there was the quick smooth flight of a bat falcon right in front of me a few yards away as he headed for the bluffs and the bats that hang around there feasting on the beatles that use the thermals rolling up the bluffs of the mountain carry them into the valley to feast on the crops there.
As the sun was gliding behind those distant moiuntains flight after flight of white-winged doves coming in from all directions headed, bullet-like, to a group of trees in Parque Juarez a few blocks from my perch, and over to the north was a flight of white-faced ibis headed, I am sure, for the same roost as the egrets out someplace on the Presa.
Cowbirds and grackles, swallows and hummingbirds, feral pigeons and house sparrows - so many birds were, for some reason, more evident to me those few precious moments then any evening that I have spent in that wonderful place that I call my retreat - the rooftop terrace of Maricela's Guest House - was it the physical manifestation of the many souls coming home for their annual return home to the feasts that have been placed for them by their living loved ones. It was the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) all over Mexico.
How I wish that I could have shared that wonderful experince with my birding compadres - my loved ones - my family - God has been truely good to me!
Good night and love to each and everyone who reads this post!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
San Miguel de Allende, GTO, Mexico
Friday, October 15, 2010
After a long time away
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Heading home
My plane leaves out of Bahrain at 11:20 tonight and I stil have a lot of things to attend to, so goodbye for now.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Gillian's home

Sunday, August 29, 2010
PADI Certification

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Nicole's Punk Party (4oth B'day Bash)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Ringing terns in Bahrain
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Week one - post Ireland

Monday, August 2, 2010
Return trip from Ireland
Friday, July 16, 2010
Good bye, Ireland
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Rainy Day in Ireland!
The morning started out nicely, but by noon the rain began to fall. A nice slow steady light rain that I considered a blessing (I am coming from he desert, remember), but the folks here disliked. We have had absolutely beautiful weather here in Ireland since we came, but today the luck changed. It was really beautiful, anyway. The fog or low ceiling hanging on the tops of the mountains with the conifer forest hiding scores of hobbits in the deep dark forest shadows was magical as we drove along. Down in the midland pastures dairy cattle (mostly Holstein) continued grazing the lush green grasses in the rain like nothing bothered them. Once around the coast the fog made driving interesting and the views of half visible shorelines across the bays mystical. It was a rather nice day in spite of the rain and fog. West Cork is a wonderful place!