Saturday, June 26, 2010

Getting ready for Ireland and other things

In a couple of days I am out of here for 2 weeks in Ireland and maybe over to London for a couple of days, then take a train up the Isle of Britain to Scotland (Edinburg) for a day or two and back to Cork, Ireland for our flights back home. Just would like to get the lay of the land and come back for a more protracted visit soon. I am planning on several days of just sort of chilling out at first. We will have a lovely Irish lass as our focal point for several days - Gillian, form Aramco, who is going home for about 10 days (leaving tonight). We will stay in a guest house in the small port town of Kinsale, just south of Cork. Gillian owns a wee farm and house on a small penisula there in Kinsale, so we will get to see it and enjoy the slower pace of the southwest Irish coast. Somewhere on this island nation the Kennedy side of my mother's family came from to America, about four generations ago, I do believe. (There was a German side, as well). Carolyn and I will meet up in Schipol to catch the same flight to Cork. Gillian was going to pick us up at the airport, but she realized that the Tuesday Market was going on at that time, so we'll have to catch a taxi and have it drop us off at the market where we should find Gillian (I hope). She'll then take us to the guest house for the afternoon. The room, as I understand overlooks the harbor or quay of Kinsale. I sure plan to take some photos and do some sketches.

The past week has had its ups and downs, mostly ups. Thursday was spent doing some drawings, cleaning and such - nothing exciting. Friday I went to Bahrain early for a boat ride on a Bahraini Coast Guard craft to an island in the Arabian Gulf where there are hundreds/thousands of terns nesting. Our goal was to band (ring, as the brits call it) some 500 crested tern chicks. Well, the wind changed the well laid plans - it was howling out of the west, making it too choppy for the boats once you go outside the jetties and into the Gulf. Instead, we went to Bennigans for breakfast and to chat (Nicole, my dear friend in crime; Brendan, the project leader and professor from the medical school there; Nadiya, an environmental specialist; Ahmed, Captain in the Bahrainn Air Force and certified in both fixed wing and helicopters, Abdulla, Major in the Air Force and Ahmed's senior officer and Blackhawk pilot; and myself). After breakfast we all sort of split up. Nicole to her girl friends who were ready ot get back to the partying, Brendan, to his wife who just got into town, Nadya, to something that I can't recall, and Ahmed who took me around the town for the day. I had a good time with him - even for the two hours that he left me at the yacht club - I was able to complete two more shll drawings. We then went to Ric's country kitchen for some beer and nachos. With that finished I headed for the Gulf Hotel where I could wet my lips on a good beer and wait for the taxi ride home to Steineke. Got to bed early because I was fully exhausted. I don't know how Nicole did it - she came in from the party at abaout 5:30 am and was able to change clothes before catching a taxi to the CG Base. She partied again last night until just after midnight and was able to catch about 4 hours of fretful sleep:( and then headed back out to the CG base to catch a boat out to the tern island again, only to have it turn back at the jetties due to rough water. So Nicole had a bigger grip and disappointment that I did :) She got back to the camp this evening, just exhausted and we looked at a car that she had called about. Had a cup of evening tea with her to talk about the second bird life lecture and my snake lecture, because we'll not be able to collaborate once I leave for Ireland. The lectures are the day I get back (birds) and three days later (snakes). She's back on night shifts starting tomorrow night, so tonight was important to discuss our plans. We will get together on Monday afternoon before she starts her shift to share our progress and critique the lectures. She really has me cutting back on the snake program for the ANHA audience, but the Traveling Naturalists I can go all out (that will be in October). She said that Brendan wants me to come give it to the Bahrain Natural History Society in September, but I have my trip to Houston and Vancouver in the middle of that month, so we have to look at the calendar and adjust something.

It's late and I need to hit the hay, so goodnight my friends - pleasant dreams to all of you :)

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