Saturday, August 14, 2010


I recently reviewed with my physician my medical records from the Aramco hospital and Saad hospital in Khobar. I had a rather complete examination and the results are excellent. All my scores are just where my doctors want them to be. Even had a Cardio stress test and that went the limit and it was all normal. I thank God for my excellent health and just hope that it continues along this path. I do lead a somewhat active life. I try to watch my food intake. I should drink more liquids here (according to my good friends Nicole and Jillian and am trying to follow their suggestions). I get a good night's sleep usually (about 6 hours). Ride my bike a good bit around this compound. Walk a good bit (I have a reputation around here regarding my walking - "Beware", they say, "Richard will wear you out if you try to walk with him! He walks fast and far.") I get a good workout on Wednesday nights in the Country Rocks line dance sessions. Nicole frequently tells me to slow down - "you are not in your twenties anymore", but it is hard to slow down - there is just so much to see and do. I should spend time in the weight room working on my upper body. I hate to be around my son, John, with his well built body :( I have my weight standing at around 155 lbs., which is just near my running weight (150 lbs.) when I was in college. People constantly guess my age as about 15 - 20 years younger, so I must be doing something right. That has been my problem all along in my younger years when I was asked for my ID in bars well past the years that most everyone worried about it. So far life is good, thank the good Lord.

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