Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nicole's Punk Party (4oth B'day Bash)

Nicole does things up big for her major birthdays and her 40th birthday bash at the Diplomat Hotel in Bahrain was no exception. Dress code for the party (a brunch on the last weekend before Ramadan) was Punk. I decked out as Richard Hell, the founder of the Punk movement. The brunch itself was a huge party and we were a big group there. I drove over with Lawrence and Dan, stopping on the way for a couple of beers and a swim at the Dilman Club there in Bahrain. Once at the party we found Nic's tables and setted in. I promptly headed for the food - several plates of good seafood (lobster, crab, shrimp, clams suishi, etc.). With that taken care of my next task was to tatoo many of the women in our party. Lisa asked me to come prepared to do so. I knew that these girls had to work the next day in the hospital, so I found some washable markers and started to work. Fun for all. Nic was having a blast - good for her!! Dan, Lawrence and I headed back home around 4:00 pm to avoid the anticipated traffic on the causeway going back into Saudi Arabia. Had to stop by Ric's for some eats and another couple of beers and then headed out. The causeway was a nightmare - 3 1/2 hours on the causeway!!! Those damned girls stayed over night, since they did not have to work the next day - bummer for us - great for them! Some of the girls had their usual hangovers the next day - what's new? At any rate, we all had a great time - Thanks, Nicole, for a great party!

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