Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back in the KSA!

Well, I am back here in Steineke hall, two doors down from my old room. My allergies have been flaring for the past few days: just as I was leaving Houston the Live Oaks were in bloom and then when I got here to the Kingdom the remnants of a severe dust storm was lingering around.

It is good to see all of the team here, minus a couple of the consultants who did not return from their visits. My projects are getting into high gear now, so I'll be busy for a while. The weather is nice - no high heat yet. My weekend schedule coming up (Easter weekend) is full of excursions into neighboring areas: Al Hasa on Thursday (a country market and camel mart), and Bahrain on Friday (Easter Sunday) for a birding group with the Arabian Natural History Association. I am going to Easter Vigil Mass tomorrow evening. Saw my first European Bee-eaters this evening right here at Steineke! A small flock was in migration and were stopping for the night in a banyon tree down the street.

Had a wonderful time on my visit home. First thing was to buy a new computer for CZ (MacBook) and new one for me (HP Pavilion dv6).Now we can even video Skype. Then we headed for Austin for Logan's 2nd B-day (St. Patty's day). From there to Kerrvile to visit the Hickey's for a couple of nights. Back in Houston for the rest of the visit. Lots of handyman tasks to complete, but hardly made a dent. Lost all of our beautiful tropical plants in this winter's freezes - so sad to see dead plants around town. For those of you that I was unable to see - I am sorry, but I was soooo busy. I really wanted to visit each of you, so I am sad about that. Please continue to read my blog and I will try to mention you in my musings. Thank all of you that have helped Carolyn during those first few weeks - you were a God send. Please continue to watch for her and help her with the chickens.

I'll post my report on the weekend's trips next week. In the meantime, all of you have a happy and blessed Easter.


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