Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One more day!

I am having a very difficult time focusing on my work with just a few hours left in this work week and my first stay here in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I've plenty to do before I leave this evening, so I do need to focus and stay on track, but I do want to post a short note. I've everythign pack but a few last minute items that will be packed right before I catch the cab to the airport. Since today is the end of the work week and somehow considered like Saturday back home there is an opportunity for me to attend a service this afternoon before I catch my cab. That would count for my Sunday service back home, and since I know I will be pressed for time back there it make sense to go today. It is confusing (like Easter Sunday will be on a Friday here and Good Friday is on Wednesday!) It does take you a while to adjust your clock to a different time zone and a different calendar.

The day is beautiful out there - as always - but the temperature is slowly rising each day. It will be in the upper 80's today. The morning was nice and cool in the 60's. (That's Farenhight). I am told that things are warming up back in Texas, as well. I will be flying all day tomorrow (about 16 hours) and hope to be able to catch some sleep on the flight over the Atlantic (I can't sleep on planes very well, even in Business or First Class). Therefore, I will be exhausted when I get in and will need to get to bed early, so that I can hit it hard the next two weeks. I start off Friday with a bang: VA hospital for fasting blood work, the computer stores to buy two new computers to replace our old and poorly functioning computers, hook everything up and test it out, exchange the new battery in the Honda Accord,go over the punch lists that Carolyn and I have put together to plan on our attack to complete as much as possible in the short time that I am home, take stock on the landscape damage from this past harsh winter (a lot of our tropicals are dead meat I expect). For those of you in Houston, Austin and Beaumont I do hope to be able to visit with you, if only for a few moments. I ahve missed all of you. I will be back here ready to start another three month stint during the beginning of the hot season. Hopefully the fishing will pick up with the big mackeral moving in. We plan to charter a boat out to the reefs for some grouper.

I have lots to share with you,

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