Tuesday, May 4, 2010

FIrst week of May

Watching a movie about Georgia O'Keefe and it is stirring the artist in me. I want to be creative, but today my sense of skill, creativity, and control was shattered by some people that I thought so much of but who were such primadonas that all my work for the past three months was thrown out the window. The system, the politics, the personalities all came together to kill my spirit (I hope for just tonight). I'm sad, lonely, shattered, and want to do something really creative and freeing. My soul needs to find that something that will give me back my confidence, comfort and sense of accomplishment. I lost that today (I hope it it just for tonight -that tomorrow I will come back and take on whatever challenge they give me and succeed like I've done time and again in Exxon, Shell, Compaq, and every other place that I have worked. Can I scream now?!

Otherwise, this young month has been wonderful. went out twice after work to spot the spiny-tailed lizards and add to my bird checklist with my good birder in crime, Nicole. I had promised her and Tess that would put them both on the ugly creatures, but both times it was overcast and they were down in their holes. Now, Jon and I saw 6 or 7 of them two days before. Nic saw one a few weeks back, but to see as many as Jon and i did is just too much to miss. We did see a couple of new birds for our checklists. I was also looking for a scorpion and she was most facinated with that. Said that I needed a nurse along just in case anything bad happens. She's just like Stephanie - game for anything. Tess, Nicole and I are going with a larger group to a good birding site along the coast just north of here on Thursday morning. It should be a good trip - with the Traveling Naturalists.

I think that Friday I just might go fishing with Omer in the afternoon so that we can drop by our favorite shwarma place for dinner before coming back to the hotel. I need to drum up an offshore trip for some big fish :)

Good night, folks. I'm tired and worn out emotionally. I need a recharge.

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