Friday, May 7, 2010

Saudi Landscapes

Another fun day in the Kingdom! Got up early to go birding and lizarding at the spray fields, the sewage lake, and the desert. Got there before 7:00 am and started spotting a number of warbler species (Willow, Desert, Reed, and Lesser whitethroat), Rufus Scrub Robins, spotted flycatchers, Pallid Swifts, Sand Martins, Doves (Laughing and Collared), House Sparrows, Isabaline and Red-Backed Shrikes, then, as I walked around the lake, a Black-crowned Night Heron, some Cormorants, and a European Nightjar. Out on the desert there were probably 6 Egyptian Spiny-tailed Lizards (they were hard to spot in their yellow-white coloration against the desert tan). I wanted to look of the best hole entrance to set up some nooses to catch one. The best thing of the morning was finding a snake shed. Looked like a Cat snake - a smallish racer-like non-venonous species found her in Arabia,so I know there is one out there near the spray field :) The worst thing was the lack of water - I forgot to bring some water. I was never so glad to get to one of the watering buckets along the jogging trail on the way back to the hotel.

Had a quick brunch at the dining hall, after which I started on a couple of shell drawings that I nneded to finish. I was drawing them for my Shell colleagues, but the end of that group meant that I did not need to finish them. Well, it's time, nevertheless. I will have to virtually send copies to those colleagues to whom I am still connected. I have even started about four more shells from the Persian Gulf to add to the collection.

By 4:30 pm I was headed to the mall to gather the supplies that I need for the Nature Journaling workshop that I am conducting later this month for the Arabian Natural History Association.

So now I am watching a little tv as I make this entry into my blog. Folks, I think I am ready for bed. Until tomorrow have a great day!

Oh,BTW here are some ink drawings of the landscape around here. These are depicting no particuler place - just images in my mind.

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