Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Saudi Friday (Wednesday 2/26/10)

I am getting ready for my trip back home in a couple of weeks. Working on my assignments here, getting them ready for the graphic designer (looks like that will be Lisa) to work on while I am away. I am also trying to find small affordable gifts for the family back home. There is not many crafts and things that are manufactured here. There are some, but most things come from out of the country. There are the camel leather sandals, the analog to the wooden shoes from Holland, and a few other things, but not much. They will make nice silver and gold jewelry to your specs, but it can get expensive with the price of gold these days.

Last night was Tuesday night, time for the BBQ chicken at the Hobby Farm, but darn-it, I was too late again. As soon as I get off work I come back to the room and change clothes, check emails and head out. It's about a three mile walk, so it takes about an hour or less to get there about (6:15 PM) and the chicken is gone by then. I think what I am going to do next week is buy a chicken and bring it with me for the guy to cook for me. The group that I have been having this weekly dinner with hangs around there until they close the gate around 9:00 PM chatting and talking about whatever. The group is made up of a couple of Canadian couples, some folks from the States (Texas mostly). Well traveled and fun to talk with. Last night was particularly enjoyable. Wish Carolyn was here to partake.

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