Friday, April 30, 2010

Last weekend of April

Well, April went out with a kick. This was a great weekend. Wednesday night went to a Gallery opening - paintings and drawings were only fair, but the fiberwork was actually pretty good. This was the Dharhan Art Group show. On the way home I stopped by a party that was only getting started. Hardly anyone was there and the recception was cool, so I continued on to Steineke on Omer's bike, which was in bad shpe and when almost home the chain broke (damn, cheap Chinese trash), so by the time I got to Steineke everyone was leaving for the party. I was so PO'd and tired from the bike ride back up the hill and against the wind that I decided to go up to my room and get to bed, since I was going to go birding early in the morning. Well, that was a mistake, as the gang that went had a great time. Seems like everyone got there about 9:00 PM and I was almost asleep. Oh well, you win some and you loose some, and some are rained out.

I did have a good night's sleep and was up before dawn to call home, to no avail - Carolyn's phone was dead - BUMMER! At any rate, went to the mess hall and had a good breakfast and waited for Jon Nelson to pick me up for a drive out to the spray fields and effluent lake to add some more birds to our lists. The day was overcast, which made it a little more pleasant out there, but there was no water on the ground from the sprinklers and the lake is getting lower and lower. Nevertheless, we saw plenty of birds, but fewer than I saw last week. The Passerines are still coming through, just different kinds. I was able to add the Rufous Bush Robin, Bittern, and Purple Heron to my list. We took the time to walk out from the lake to spot Egyptian Spiny-tailed lizards, better known as Dabb lizards here, and saw about six. Was able to get within 40 yards of one before it ran down into his hole. Also saw a water turtle, a kind of slider type, that was out looking for a place lay some eggs. Will have to determine the species when I can get my hands on a field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of the Middle East. Kept looking for scorpians, but had no luck. Jon was really wanting to find one.

Back at Steinek I was able to catch a quick cat nap for about 20 minutes before lunch. Spent the afternoon on some artwork and going to the bike shop to get a new tire and tube for my bike. Damn it, though, our cabby got a SR200 fine because I did not have my seatbelt on the backseat - BUMMER! Got back just in time to change and catch a cab with the others to the US Consulate for a '50's Disco party. Let me tell you, the security to get into the place was extremely tight. Must have been 5 different check points before we were driven to the lawn where the party waas being held. Top that off with the concertina wire along the fence of the yard with guards in the shadows behind the fence every 10 yards or so, hardly noticable. The yard was delightful - had tables with nice starched white linens, set with a full complement of plateware, flowers and lighted with strings of lightbulbs hung around the umbrella canopies that rose above each table. The disc jockey was set up on the dance floor adjacent to the food and beverage line. It was all so sureal, but in the end it was a load of fun. Lots of dancing to music of my college days and after a couple nice cool beers and later several shots of good ol' Jameson's Irish whiskey, we were dancing up a storm. At our table Wanda, Susan, Omer and I had quite workout dancing up there on the dance floor and it started almost as soon as the music started - Wanda just could not sit still,moving to the music, so I took her to the dance floor and from then on between her and Susan, we danced until we were ringing wet from the heat. It was so much fun just letting down like we couldn't do back here outside of the consulate. Good hambergers and BBQ chicken, ice cream - just like home :) Managed to catch a ride home with a couple of Aramcons from Houston. Great time, all!

Today it was almost all art. I spent the day in a corner at the mess hall where the light is good with windows all around working on a couple of several lighthouse watercolors that I brought along to finish over here. One I will have to start all over and the other I should finish in a another couple of hours, then all I will have remaining for the whole set is three lighthouses. I will finish them soon, darn-it.

In the morning it's back to work :(

Saturday (actually Thursday)

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