Thursday, April 1, 2010

Al Hasa trip

Left this morning on the trip to Al Hasa, a desert town about 2 hours from here. A fellow birder, Nicole Proven, managed to have an extra ticket that one of her nursing colleagues had purchased, but couldn't make the trip. She and several other nurses were along on the trip, so I felt I needed to set on the bus with them. Got to talk a lot on the trip. Nicole is a lot like Stephanie and about her age - a tomboy as a young girl who had horses and other animals in Scotland. Stopped by a big livestock market along the way. The main attraction for everyone were the camels, which were interesting, but I wanted to see the variety of goats and sheep. I only got to see them as we passed, darn-it. Did get out of the bus for about 30 minutes in the camel section. Lots of young camels - really cute. I was talked into riding a camel for a short distance; Lisa and Rocky paid for my ride, so I couldn't back out. (pictures later - I forgot my camera back in my room). The camels are sure noisy and curious. Some were in pretty good shape (it was a market), while others not so.

From there we went into Hofuf for a chance to shop in the souqs. I was disappointed - not as good as the souqs in Al Kobar. Jeff and I got off the path a little to scope out a really neat mosque. To get a clear shot we had to get an escort up into new mall across the street that was under construction. (pictures later)
Lunch buffet followed at a local hotel with some disco dancing afterwards :) Had to quickly load up the bus to head for the caves at the Al Hasa springs. Interesting, but cluttered with trash. (more pictures later) From there we headed home to arrive back here by 5:00 PM.

Tomorrow to Bahrain.

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