Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More on the past weekend

As I said, things are not boring here. After the Bests dropped me off on Thursday I grabed a quick lunch and got Omer to go with me on a ride out into the desert in the camp. It was easy at first - slight downhill ride and wind to the back on paved roads, but then we hit the sand off road near the spray fields and the effluent lake to see what birds we could spot (not much - a couple of cormorants, a couple of ducks, a couple of tern and that was it!). From there we headed down the road to the Hobby Farm, only it was closed :(. Rested a few minutes and took off for the jebbles to find a place on top to sketch the view. SAND and more SAND!!! Hard riding. After a couple of sketches we headed down the side of the jebble and I managed to hit a ridge that stopped my bike while I went sailing over the handlebars :(. No harm but my image. The ride back to Steineke was HARD - uphill and against the wind - I was exhausted before I ever got to the golf course :( At any rate, I only had time to change clothes and come downstairs to meet Don and Lynne for a drive back out into the jebbles for a party in a bowl on the top of one of the larger outcrops. What a fun time: about 30 people, mostly couples, cokes and brown & white stuff, a big bon fire, s'mores, etc., with an outstanding view of the center of the eastern Provence. Really got to mix and work the group. I just love getting out with my friends here and making new friends each time I go out.

Next morning I was up in time to catch the 7:30 bus to Ras Tanura to fish the surf. Water was great (maybe a little choppy) and just a little on the cool side at first. No fish, but a good time. Had an early lunch and caught the first bus back to Dharhan. Worked the afternoon an my tax returns before heading out to Kobar for shopping and shawarmas. Got home and promptly fell asleep. See, boring here! Nothing to do :)

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