Monday, January 25, 2010

Hump day

Not much to report today from the workplace. I am in a wait and see position with my SMEs. i've given them an assignment for this week and will check on progress on Wednesday. If there is no progress then I will set up lunch meeting for the group and introduce them to the good old SWAT event that we did at Shell and at Exxon. It is a 3-5 day intense workshop event with the team of SMEs and me (the instructional designer) where we collaborate to come up with the content and design of the learning event (course).

Things are not going well back home. Seems that the computer is back up and running, but is marginal and seems ready to crash at any moment. The coffee maker is apparently about to crash (puts out lukewarm coffee). The TV is on the blink. Carolyn seems to be about to go on the blink, as well, if things don't get fixed. I expect to hbear that the truck ot car is on the blink, as well. It all waits until I leave and then it all comes apart. There have to be some gremlins around that house. Poor Carolyn. It's hard when I am half a world away. I feel so helpless.

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