Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday (AKA Tuesday)

Today was a better day. I still had trouble due to the ID card. I had to have someone take me to the main gate to get a visitor badge in the morning and take me back in the evening to trade it back for my passport. Nevertheless, I did get my computer today - a brand new desktop, so now I can finally get some work done.

Talked to Carolyn a short while ago. She is doing better with our son, John there for a visit, but it is hard on her with me halfway around the world. If we can get our computer set up at home and linked into the internet things will improve, but for now it is hard to keep a positive outlook. The both of us are extremely frustrated with the communication barriers. Thanks to my colleagues with phone capabilities I was able to talk to her tonight. I can't imagine the frustrations that families dealt with a century or two ago when all there was was slow moving ships to deliver mail around the world. Husbands would be gone for long months at a time with no communication at all.

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