Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday (AKA Thursday)

Today was a bit better than yesterday - I now have my badge - I can come and go from the compound and the core area where my office is located. I really was able to get some work done today on my Aramco computer rather than this old Apple laptop. After work I headed for Rashid Mall (huge retail mall between here and Al Kobar) to see if I could find a webcam for this iBook, but I had no luck. I think it is time for a new computer with a built in camera and microphone.

Tuesday nights at the dinning hall is fajita night, so I had to try them. Well, forget it. They are awful. I will definitely stick with the local favorite down in the souks - shwarma! Much tastier than those dining hall fajitas.

This weekend I plan to wet a line down at the base of the Bahrain causeway with Omer, one of my colleagues here. We plan to go Thursday and then on Friday there is a big airshow in Bahrain that some of thguys are going to, so I might tag along over to Bahrain to check it out. Next weekend is coat and tie dinner with the Arabian Naturalist Club - one of the guys in the office invited me to go and meet some of the birders here. Gotta make a a life here for the next few weeks.

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