Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday (AKA Wednesday)

Well, I finally got my real security badge at the end of the day. I had to spend the day in my room in the hotel/dorm (Steineke Hall) since I had no badge to get me into the core area where my office is located. What a relief, so I went with a couiple of my colleagues into Kobar for shwami dinner - the standard taco like meal here. The place is a corner store (very small), but it is a favorite among the Aramco folks because you catch the bus back to the compound right across the street. Prayers started just as we finished, so we had to leave the store so that they could close up for the prayer time. Prayer time is 5 times a day and all the stores close up and all the owners and clerks stand around outside, while most of the Arab muslims go to the nearest mosque to pray, the outside speakers blaring the mulla's prayers in a song like chant that reverberates all around the town. This is the time to catch a cab back to the compound to clean up and get ready for bed. While there in the souks, I did manage to get nice, but inexpensive pair of Ray Ban sunglasses that are really needed around here with all of the sun. Also picked up a knockoff Rolex, to set to Saudi time, for much less than a Timex back home.

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