Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday night (AKA Saturday night)

Slept in a little today (7:30 or so). Played around with Facebook a little and then went to breakfast in the dining hall across the street. The favorite Arabian breakfast is Foul Madamas (kind of a bean well cooked with who knows what else is in the mix). You laddle it out of an urn (the laddle just fits the neck of the urn) and into a pottery bowl and them pour olive oil, chopped onions, chopped italian parsely, and chopped sweet peppers over the top. It's not bad, but can be a little unsettling on youir stomach the first time or two. I just had to follow it with a waffle with chocolate syrup - now do you fell really sick? From there I went on a long walk around and through the golf course. The current golf course fairways and greens are nice and green, but around the edges are remnants of the old course that was hers when I last visited this place. The old course had no fairway grass - just racked gravel and the greens were astroturf. You would carry with you a 2 ft square of astroturf to put under you ball out on the fairway. Anyway, it was fun striking out across the land that has reverted back to its original condition (almost). The rocks are a mix of sandstone and carbonate (no wonder the oil is so easy to get to over here) and full of crystals and an occasional geode, so I picked up a pocketful for my grandson, Ford. Once back at the room I changed and caught the bus into Al Kobar for dinner, to find another watch that I can use for this time zone, and to visit a couple of fishing tackle stores. Struck up a friendship with the old man and his son in one of the shops. He put me on some of the better places to catch some fish without a boat, so I'm going to see if Omar (the graphic designer on the project) wants to go out tomorrow and give it a try. Later I'll download photos from my camera to post. It's closing in on midnight so I had better close.

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