Saturday, January 30, 2010


What a fabulous moon is shining over the Persian Gulf tonight! If you haven't gotten out to see it get out now or when night time comes. I went into Kobar to pick up a few things with Omer and the other Richard on the team. One thing you have to always remember is that at prayer time all the shopping stops for about 20 minutes. You can window shop but the doors are shut and the shopkeepers are outside on the sidewalk taking a break. Well, tonight we headed for the coffee shop to get a kilo of good coffee for the team room and just as we got there the doors were shut, but somehow Omer managed to get a kilo paid for and out the door. Then we went to get a new cell phone for him. We were hiking it pretty fast and poor Richard E. was really having trouble keeping up with the two of us. We did make it to the Latif bakery for a wonderful katar - a small pizza with a cream cheese topping sprinkled with herbs and spices - so good! Around the corner we ran to get a shwarma and a coke before skipping over to get to the bus just as it was leaving to go back to the Aramco compound. All I managed to get was a pencil and some lead along with a drawing paper pad to do some sketches.

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